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Friday, May 06, 2011

The Talent Show

Today, in my class, after all our tests, we had a talent show (it was today because it was postponed about 3 times) we all lined up at the door with our stuff and went into the music room at the dorms. We all got our number for order then we started. First off was Nathan he his piano piece for the NCFA (National Children's Festival of the Arts) called "Sword Play", it was actually a pretty good piece. Second we had Miguel go he juggled a soccer ball (juggling in soccer is when you keep the ball up by hitting it with your foot) 4 times. After was Markus he read a passage from Swift Family Robinson ( he did that because he couldn't think of anything to do in time for the talent show.) Jared did the same thing only it wasn't the exact same passage. Then it was Aviella and Shania's turn to go they played "New World Symphony" on the flute they did pretty good considering we only played it once in class. 5th was Amanda and Lauren and they sang "I Got the Magic in Me" it was really good Lauren did the rapping and Amanda did the chorus. Next to go was Amy she played "When the Saints Go Marching In" she did pretty good to we all liked that one. Finally it was my turn I played my NCFA piece called "Light and Blue" (only with out the tremolo.) That was the end of our talent show then we begged our teacher Ms. Cilliers to do something although she didn't, and then we went back to class for lunch.


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