cayman, my life in cayman, family, animals, other stuff

Monday, July 13, 2009

One Week

Amanda and Joanna came over to our house to spend the night at our house for a week! But that was because they're parents went to Antigua for a week.

There were alot of people in our house about 8 but that's because Ms.Kendria was here to visit and Amanda and Joanna of course and our family of five.

So this is what happened:

Day 1

We picked up Amanda and Joanna around 3 p.m. because my mom had a meeting while me Amanda, Afiya, Joanna, and Titus stayed home with Ms.Kendria. During that time we played and had fun.

Day 2

I think this day was the day when VBS started or it started the day before so that day again we had fun and wen to VBS that evening i think it started at 6 and then we came home i think by 8.

We had to ride home with Ocean and Sage because my mom and dad went to have dinner with a couple i think and so Ms.Kendria.

Day 3

I don't remember doing any thing this day except for going to VBS so we went came back went to sleep.

Day 4,5,and 6

I think the same thing happened.

Day 7

Amanda and Joanna's parents come back! :( But we had fun this day to that day we taught Amanda how to use the sewing machine and we also did cleaning :( and we split the chores between me, Afiya, and Amanda.

Thanks for reading!