Amazing Week
This week alot of things happened. First a rooster flew into the window of my dad's car,

then I saw a land crab in our front yard.

Next, we saw a tornado on the water. It is called a water spout.

After that we saw a baby iguana. This is the actual picture of the iguana. Isn't it cute?!
Thanks for sharing such amazing events! We really appreciate hearing from you and we miss you dearly.
Your Family in Ohio - Guess who :-)
5:51 PM
Eden, what a fantastic week you have had and I know you enjoyed every minute of all the exciting things. I wish I had been there to see the iguana. And I know your daddy was funny when the roster jumped through the window.(smile)
Keep sending information. You are a great writer. We love hearing from you.
Love grandma
3:30 PM
Hi Eden,
WOW! That's a whole lot of excitement for one week! It makes my week seem downright ordinary :)
I really like the iguana. I sure didn't know they were so cute.
Miss Joylane
9:56 AM
I love imagining a rooster flying into your dad's car!!! I can hear you guys laughing about!!!
Those are some fantastic pictures!!!
Does it rain when there is a tornado on the water?
So glad I got to see you guys when you were in DC!!!!!'
8:59 AM
I only wish I had some amazing pictures to show you. Unfortunately all I saw today was a rat. oooohhhhh.
It so please me when you send us a blog.
Today I have been getting pix messages from George and Cassie. They took their first big solo flight driving to their grandparents in WV alone. Its a 6 hour trip. They sent me pictures of all the places they stopped. They stopped alot. It took them 8 hours to get there.Grace to you, Mrs Siler
5:40 PM
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