A Long Day
Today was a busy day. We were looking for craft supplies so my mom and my sister can make a swimsuit for my sister's American Girl doll. First we went to Burger King for breakfast for Afiya's birthday. Then we went to take our dad to work, then we went to the Bodden Town library. Then we went to the gas station to get water bottles, then Office Works. After that, we went to the Dollar Store, then Kirk Office, then Partyland, then we went to Hurley's, and then we went home. I am so tired!
Hi Eden,
What a day! It sure sounds long. Zoe would love to see a picture of the swimsuit. She just received some doll clothes and enjoys putting them on the doll...and sometimes tries to put them on her. :-)
Hope all is well. Take care, McBrides
9:01 PM
Eden, Thanks so much for keeping us posted about what you are doing in your new home. It is so good to hear from you since we do not get to see you often. Please, continue to update your blog. J & K loved to hear about your adventures!
5:36 PM
EDEN! Good to hear about how you are doing! Please hug Afiya for me and tell her "Happy late birthday!"
How is school going? What cool projects have you done lately? Making a swimsuit sounds so hard - send pictures of how it turns out.
I'm heading to Rhode Island and New York this weekend - I've never been! The last time your dad was in New York, didn't he buy your American girl doll? That seems like a looooooonng time ago!
Talk to you soon!
8:29 AM
Hi little Cousin,
How are you? I really enjoyed reading about your days on the island. Thank you for the updates. We miss you in New York. When are you visiting again? Good luck with the basketball team. Are you the only girl on the team? That's great!
Please tell Afiya happy birthday and give Titus a big kiss! Love you.
Your Cousin,
11:06 AM
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